BILLIONAIRES LIST apologizes to billionaires

Released on = December 21, 2006, 2:09 pm

Press Release Author = Ben Henry Campbell

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = The publishers of the BILLIONAIRES LIST makes apology to
billionaires who were recently indited by Crown Prince.

Press Release Body = Recently the publishers of the BILLIONAIRES LIST were very
thrilled that a Crown Prince had actually purchased a copy of the BILLIONAIRES LIST.
One publisher stated \"We knew by the address that a royalty had purchased a copy of
the BILLIONAIRES LIST\". But, at the time we did not realize that the Crown Prince
intended to use our product to make inditements of 4 U.S. Billionaires. We know it
The publishers of the BILLIONAIRES LIST did not disclose the names of the 4 U.S.
billionaires who are currently under inditement. But, does give them an apology
for their unfortunate problems.
The publishers did not disclose the name of the Crown Prince nor disclose why 4
billionaires were indited by the Crown Prince.

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Contact Details = Ben Henry Campbell

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